A blog book about a mom and the journey of her son through the diagnosis of his Atrial Septal Defect and the ensuing Open Heart Surgery.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Sorry folks for not writing .... I was/am emotionally drained after re-visiting those memories and I realised how the memories can still torture ....so please give me some time to get back my emotional strength to write again....
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Some Red Flags - October 2007
Febrile Seizure
It was the last week of October, 2007; we had just shifted to KL from SG. Aadu was running a mild fever, and I got busy with the unpacking, in the middle of this Aadu wanted to sleep so I made the arrangements, without giving him medicine, thinking that it would recede on its own. This was a huge mistake.
When I went to check on Aadu, I realized that his fever had gone up, and I went and got some plain water and a napkin to sponge his forehead, palms, and feet. While I was doing this he woke up and I sponged him for a few more minutes. I kept talking to him, and I said that 'I'll get the medicine from the cupboard, and then he will feel better'. While I was saying this he tried to get up, and I saw that he had started shivering....he then lay on his back and what transpired in the next 6-8 seconds was horrific. He turned blue. His hands and feet were shaking, his eyes were rolled up, there was froth coming from his mouth.
I had never witnessed such horror before, and I did not know what it was. I was feeling helpless as the land line was still not up, and my handphone was not functioning. So there was no way I could call for help from my house.
In this situation, I had remembered something that I had read in one of the child-care books, that when a child (or anyone) is having a convulsion, we must put something in the mouth so that they don't swallow or bite their own tongue. I put some cloth (I think it was his read vest) in his mouth, wrapped him in a baby blanket and rushed out of the house, shouting and banging on my neighbours doors. This was my first day in KL, and I did not know anyone in my condo. But I kept shouting and finally some neighbours came running and I managed to place a call to Amol who started for the Hospital, and then Veena in her calm voice asked me to come into her house while she administered a suppository to Aadu. I had not known of a suppository for children till that day. She also put a fever-patch on his forehead, then took me down to the parking where Seema was waiting in her car ready to rush me to Pantai Medical Center. I had insisted on Pantai as I used to go there when I was pregnant and knew that it was the best place for Aaditya.
Once we were there, we were taken to the ER (Emergency Room). Thankfully Amol had reached before us, and had done all the paperwork. The doctor there asked me what had happened, and I told her all that took place and also of the suppository that was given to Aadu.
They put on a pulse monitor on his finger, and checked his fever; which had (thanks to the suppository) come down to normal.
It was here that I got to know what had actually happened to my little boy: it was a Febrile Seizure or convulsion. It happens, when the immature, still developing brain of a child cannot make sense of the high fever. This phenomenon can occur till the child is 5-6 years of age. This has no side effects on the other development of the child.
We decided to admit him for a day, just to monitor him and because the doctor said that the chances of a re-occurrence are highest in the next 24 hours. During that hospital stay he required the suppository three times. The next day also showed some ups and downs with his fever, so we stayed on in the Hospital. Meanwhile my brother had also come down from Mumbai after a shock-stricken phone call that I made while sitting in the ER.
On the next day, after the doctor made his rounds, he said we could go home.
Points to remember:
It was the last week of October, 2007; we had just shifted to KL from SG. Aadu was running a mild fever, and I got busy with the unpacking, in the middle of this Aadu wanted to sleep so I made the arrangements, without giving him medicine, thinking that it would recede on its own. This was a huge mistake.
When I went to check on Aadu, I realized that his fever had gone up, and I went and got some plain water and a napkin to sponge his forehead, palms, and feet. While I was doing this he woke up and I sponged him for a few more minutes. I kept talking to him, and I said that 'I'll get the medicine from the cupboard, and then he will feel better'. While I was saying this he tried to get up, and I saw that he had started shivering....he then lay on his back and what transpired in the next 6-8 seconds was horrific. He turned blue. His hands and feet were shaking, his eyes were rolled up, there was froth coming from his mouth.
I had never witnessed such horror before, and I did not know what it was. I was feeling helpless as the land line was still not up, and my handphone was not functioning. So there was no way I could call for help from my house.
In this situation, I had remembered something that I had read in one of the child-care books, that when a child (or anyone) is having a convulsion, we must put something in the mouth so that they don't swallow or bite their own tongue. I put some cloth (I think it was his read vest) in his mouth, wrapped him in a baby blanket and rushed out of the house, shouting and banging on my neighbours doors. This was my first day in KL, and I did not know anyone in my condo. But I kept shouting and finally some neighbours came running and I managed to place a call to Amol who started for the Hospital, and then Veena in her calm voice asked me to come into her house while she administered a suppository to Aadu. I had not known of a suppository for children till that day. She also put a fever-patch on his forehead, then took me down to the parking where Seema was waiting in her car ready to rush me to Pantai Medical Center. I had insisted on Pantai as I used to go there when I was pregnant and knew that it was the best place for Aaditya.
Once we were there, we were taken to the ER (Emergency Room). Thankfully Amol had reached before us, and had done all the paperwork. The doctor there asked me what had happened, and I told her all that took place and also of the suppository that was given to Aadu.
They put on a pulse monitor on his finger, and checked his fever; which had (thanks to the suppository) come down to normal.
It was here that I got to know what had actually happened to my little boy: it was a Febrile Seizure or convulsion. It happens, when the immature, still developing brain of a child cannot make sense of the high fever. This phenomenon can occur till the child is 5-6 years of age. This has no side effects on the other development of the child.
We decided to admit him for a day, just to monitor him and because the doctor said that the chances of a re-occurrence are highest in the next 24 hours. During that hospital stay he required the suppository three times. The next day also showed some ups and downs with his fever, so we stayed on in the Hospital. Meanwhile my brother had also come down from Mumbai after a shock-stricken phone call that I made while sitting in the ER.
On the next day, after the doctor made his rounds, he said we could go home.
Points to remember:
- When going to a new place, always have the names, phone numbers of hospitals, nearest to your home.
- Always have one working phone line. Move in only when the land line is installed or then keep your earlier mobile line in roaming while your current mobile line is getting arranged.
- Always travel with the basic medicines that your child needs.
- Never wait for the fever to go down on its own. Always administer medication ASAP.
- Get a health insurance for your entire family immediately when you relocate.
- Check health insurance for hospital coverage; as hospital stay can get expensive.
- The health insurance package will give a list of affiliated clinics, hospitals etc and the emergency health line. Keep this handy at all times.
- Make a list of emergency phone numbers of the new city ASAP and paste a copy near your phone.
- Maintain all health records of each family member in separate folders. Keep this updated.
- When at a hospital or clinic, never hesitate to ask all the questions that you have. No question is a 'stupid question'; if you don't know the answer to a question, you have to ask.
- The doctor may look rushed to you, and you may think that probably you will ask him later...there is no later. It is the doctor's duty to answer all your questions.
- It is completely OK to check the credentials of the attending doctor. If you know any other doctor in that hospital do not hesitate to ask for him.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
About the title of the blog
Hi friends, as promised the much talked about and much awaited blog is here. I want to spend a little while in explaining the title of the blog to you all.
The title: 'Fruit of my labour'
actually means exactly what is means, that is: Aaditya is the fruit of my 22-hour labour; I am talking about his birth !!
It all began on 22nd August, when I went for my regular scheduled checkup to see my Doctor (Dr. Shirish Daftary, Juhu, Mumbai). The checkup was fine, and I was told I have another week to go. I come home, relax and doze off and then I wake up, and am having tea...and then I feel the urge to go to the bathroom, I go but the trickling didn't stop, thankfully I had read about the water-breaking etc. So I just told my mom that I think it's time to go to the hospital. My hospital bag was packed ahead of time so I did not have to rush at all. In fact my water broke at around 5:30 PM, and we went to the hospital at only 8:30 PM, as I walked inside I saw Dr. Daftary emerging from his room, and he looked at me quizzically and I said to him 'Doctor my water broke' and he then asked me to come into his clinic, called the sisters and checked me. And then he said 'Yes...you are in labour, and we will admit you now'.
Now before we left for the hospital mom called my in laws in Pune, who said they would be in Mumbai shortly, next mom called my Dad who was posted in Madhya Pradesh at that time, he said he is leaving immediately and would reach early morning. He was going to take the road-route. Next I called Amol (the papa of the baby-to come) who was in Singapore and he got busy immediately with his ticket booking for the next available flight.
After all the formalities of the hospital admission, we went up to my room, and I was assigned room no.3; and I remember asking the sister weather room no. 4 was available. I have a thing with the number 4. Anyways it was occupied so I had to stay on in 3.
The contractions had started and though they were not very strong, they were enough to cause discomfort. My cousin Supriya, my mom, my brother took turns in rubbing my back.
My in laws reached the hospital at around 11:30 or maybe later (I don't remember the exact time). But due to security policy of the hospital they were not allowed upstairs, after a lot of pleading and my brother spoke to Dr. Daftary telling him that they have come all the way from Pune, he allowed only my MIL to come up and see me. I don't remember this meeting also...maybe I was sleeping or just conked out due to exhaustion.
The contractions were getting stronger, but somehow I knew that 'Bubu' (that's what we called Aadu when he was in my tummy) would not come out at night.
So after a restless, sleepless night, I was grateful that it was morning, and then mom told me that Papa had already reached and was sent home for rest and sleep (coz anyway the hospital would not have allowed him to come up either). Next to arrive was Amol, who came at around 11:30 to the hospital, once he was there I felt better. The pains were unbearable by then and shortly I was taken to the labour-room. I had discussed with my doc that I would want Amol to be there during the birth. So Amol was in with me for some time, then I don't remember what happened, he went out, then I my mom came in and then no one was there...only the sisters and me...I lost track of time, and I remember the doctors would drop in every 20 minutes or so to check on me. I remember Dr. Daftary coming and he said to me that 'if the baby is not out in the next 2 hours we will have to do a c-section because it will be 24 hours since my water broke'.
Somehow I knew I would not the c-section, and luckily Bubu decided to finally make his entry..I heard his cry and the sister said it is 2:50 PM of 23rd August !!
So that was the story of Aaditya's birth and my 22 hour labour !!
And so I call him 'the fruit of my labour'
I think I deserve to call him that !!
Me in my hospital room, timing the contractions

My Cousin Supriya, supporting my back to ease the discomfort.

Our first family photograph

Finally me and 'the fruit of labour' - Bubu - Aaditya
The title: 'Fruit of my labour'
actually means exactly what is means, that is: Aaditya is the fruit of my 22-hour labour; I am talking about his birth !!
It all began on 22nd August, when I went for my regular scheduled checkup to see my Doctor (Dr. Shirish Daftary, Juhu, Mumbai). The checkup was fine, and I was told I have another week to go. I come home, relax and doze off and then I wake up, and am having tea...and then I feel the urge to go to the bathroom, I go but the trickling didn't stop, thankfully I had read about the water-breaking etc. So I just told my mom that I think it's time to go to the hospital. My hospital bag was packed ahead of time so I did not have to rush at all. In fact my water broke at around 5:30 PM, and we went to the hospital at only 8:30 PM, as I walked inside I saw Dr. Daftary emerging from his room, and he looked at me quizzically and I said to him 'Doctor my water broke' and he then asked me to come into his clinic, called the sisters and checked me. And then he said 'Yes...you are in labour, and we will admit you now'.
Now before we left for the hospital mom called my in laws in Pune, who said they would be in Mumbai shortly, next mom called my Dad who was posted in Madhya Pradesh at that time, he said he is leaving immediately and would reach early morning. He was going to take the road-route. Next I called Amol (the papa of the baby-to come) who was in Singapore and he got busy immediately with his ticket booking for the next available flight.
After all the formalities of the hospital admission, we went up to my room, and I was assigned room no.3; and I remember asking the sister weather room no. 4 was available. I have a thing with the number 4. Anyways it was occupied so I had to stay on in 3.
The contractions had started and though they were not very strong, they were enough to cause discomfort. My cousin Supriya, my mom, my brother took turns in rubbing my back.
My in laws reached the hospital at around 11:30 or maybe later (I don't remember the exact time). But due to security policy of the hospital they were not allowed upstairs, after a lot of pleading and my brother spoke to Dr. Daftary telling him that they have come all the way from Pune, he allowed only my MIL to come up and see me. I don't remember this meeting also...maybe I was sleeping or just conked out due to exhaustion.
The contractions were getting stronger, but somehow I knew that 'Bubu' (that's what we called Aadu when he was in my tummy) would not come out at night.
So after a restless, sleepless night, I was grateful that it was morning, and then mom told me that Papa had already reached and was sent home for rest and sleep (coz anyway the hospital would not have allowed him to come up either). Next to arrive was Amol, who came at around 11:30 to the hospital, once he was there I felt better. The pains were unbearable by then and shortly I was taken to the labour-room. I had discussed with my doc that I would want Amol to be there during the birth. So Amol was in with me for some time, then I don't remember what happened, he went out, then I my mom came in and then no one was there...only the sisters and me...I lost track of time, and I remember the doctors would drop in every 20 minutes or so to check on me. I remember Dr. Daftary coming and he said to me that 'if the baby is not out in the next 2 hours we will have to do a c-section because it will be 24 hours since my water broke'.
Somehow I knew I would not the c-section, and luckily Bubu decided to finally make his entry..I heard his cry and the sister said it is 2:50 PM of 23rd August !!
So that was the story of Aaditya's birth and my 22 hour labour !!
And so I call him 'the fruit of my labour'
I think I deserve to call him that !!
Me in my hospital room, timing the contractions
My Cousin Supriya, supporting my back to ease the discomfort.
Our first family photograph
Finally me and 'the fruit of labour' - Bubu - Aaditya
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